Jeanelle Horcasitas
uc san diego
My name is Jeanelle D. Horcasitas. I am a PhD Candidate in Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of California, San Diego. I received my bachelor’s degree in English from the University of California, Los Angeles. I am a proud first-generation college student, Chicana, daughter of immigrants, and from a working class family. My research interests include Chicana/o and Latina/o Literature and Film, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Digital Humanities, Immigration, Technology, Labor, Biopolitics, and Critical Race Theory. I am currently a Teaching Assistant for the Literature’s in English Multi-Ethnic sequence, a coordinator for the County of San Diego Housing Authority’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program, and a San Diego/Imperial County Community College Association (SDICCCA) Fellow at Miramar Community College.
This year, I would like to focus on internships, entrepreneurship and digital skills development. Additionally, I would like to continue the conversations on debt and offer more financial education and support for graduate students so that they feel better equipped to fulfill their future financial goals. First, I will explore internship opportunities for graduate students that not only enrich their professional background but also serve as examples of the realistic careers available to them outside of academia. Second, I aim to define and transform what entrepreneurship can signify to humanists; specifically, demonstrate how they can thrive and be creative in various roles as freelancers, consultants, and even business owners. Third, I will provide resources to enhance one’s digital/technological skills, and how a digital humanities project can serve as an impressive model for a professional portfolio to prospective employers. More important, I hope to continue adding to the strong foundation that the Humanists@Work community has created and praise the valuable work that they do everyday both in and outside of the academy.